How Much Does a Canadian Pet Passport Cost? 2023 Price Guide

Traveling is exciting and stressful – there are just so many things you need to have in order, including packing, arranging flights and hotels, and documentation. Traveling with your pet adds up to extra preparation, which includes documentation for them as well. If you plan on taking your pet outside of Canada, there isn’t any […] The post How Much Does a Canadian Pet Passport Cost? 2023 Price Guide appeared first on Pet Keen. Traveling is exciting and stressful – there are just so many things you need to have in order, including packing, arranging flights and hotels, and documentation. Traveling with your pet adds up to extra preparation, which includes documentation for them as well. If you plan on taking your pet outside of Canada, there isn’t any actual Canadian pet passport. However, there are some documents you’ll need to have in order. And what you need will depend on where you’re traveling to. Additionally, how much you pay for your pet’s documentation depends on a number of factors, such as where in Canada you live and what kind of pet you’re traveling with. We’ll review some of the costs you can expect and what kind of documentation you’ll need when traveling with your pet. The Importance of a Canadian Pet Passport Before going anywhere, you need to have various documents that will show customs officials that your pet is healthy and has had all necessary vaccinations. Without any records or certifications, you might not be allowed to fly out of Canada. You’ll need to look into the Canadian International Health Certificate for your pet, which is filled out by your veterinarian. This certificate will state that your pet is in good health and free from parasites and infectious diseases. This is particularly important for rabies vaccines. Some countries might provide their own certificate you will need to fill out, and others require specific health certificates from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Image Credit: woodygraphs, Shutterstock How Much Does a Canadian Pet Passport Cost? You’ll need to make an appointment with your veterinarian to complete the Canadian International Health Certificate. At a minimum, you’ll need to pay the exam fee to have your vet fill out the form. And if your pet needs their vaccines updated, you’ll need to pay for this at the time of the appointment as well. If your pet hasn’t been microchipped, some countries might require them to be microchipped, and it’s also good peace of mind for you in the event that your pet gets lost, so that you can find them more easily. We’ve provided the fees of three different vet clinics in different parts of Canada below to give you an idea of how much you might need to spend. Procedure West (BC) East (Ontario) North (NWT) Examination $49 $66 $75 Dog Vaccines $69–$112 $68+ $75+ Cat Vaccines $69–$112 $49+ $30 Microchipping $65 $45 $75 Sources: Metrotown Animal Hospital, Hamilton Veterinary Services Microchip, Hamilton Veterinary Services Exams, Hamilton Veterinary Services Vaccines, Inuvik

pet passport cost


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