Category: Health care


The Impact Of Sleep Apnea On Daily Life And How To Manage It

Sleep apnea, a common but often overlooked disorder, can profoundly disrupt an individual’s daily life, causing symptoms such as chronic fatigue, irritability, and cognitive… The post The Impact Of Sleep Apnea On Daily Life And How To Manage It appeared first on The Art of Healthy Living.


The Rise Of E-Bikes: Revolutionizing Health And Fitness

Ebikes, or electric bicycles, have surged in popularity in recent years for good reason – they provide an efficient, eco-friendly, accessible, and just plain… The post The Rise Of E-Bikes: Revolutionizing Health And Fitness appeared first on The Art of Healthy Living.


Personal Wellness Platforms Powered By AI: Tools For Self-Care

The rise of AI-powered wellness platforms is revolutionizing how we approach self-care, making personalized health management more intuitive and accessible than ever before. From… The post Personal Wellness Platforms Powered By AI: Tools For Self-Care appeared first on The Art of Healthy Living.


7 Ways Personalized Medical Care Can Improve Your Health

You deserve healthcare that truly understands you. Personalized medical care is transforming the approach to well-being by tailoring treatments and lifestyle advice specifically to… The post 7 Ways Personalized Medical Care Can Improve Your Health appeared first on The Art of Healthy Living.


How to Stay Healthy and fit for life: uses of Traditional Chinese Medicine

How to Balance Yin and Yang for Optimal Health with Traditional Chinese Medicine Welcome to the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)! TCM is an ancient system of healing that has been used for thousands of years to promote health and wellbeing. It is based on the concept of balancing yin and yang, two opposing forces that are believed to be present in all aspects of life. Yin and yang are two complementary forces that are constantly in flux. Yin is associated with darkness, femininity, and the moon, while yang...



運氣同化  歲會  中行令者,其病徐而持  平氣判斷  得政平氣  指歲運不及,恰遇司天之氣為其所勝,歲運本當克制司天之氣,因其不及,反被司天之氣克制,則司天之氣變為一歲氣化之主,代歲運而行政令,從而產生平氣。如乙巳、乙亥年,歲運為金運不及,巳亥厥陰風木司天,厥陰風木反克制歲運,而代行歲運之政令,使得金運不及之年成為木運得政平氣。計有乙巳、乙亥、丁丑、丁未、癸卯、癸酉共六年。  運氣同治  癸酉癸卯歲  上陽明金,中少徵火運,下少陰火,寒化雨化勝復同,所謂邪氣化日也。災九宮。燥化九,熱化二,所謂正化日也。其化上苦小溫,中咸溫,下咸寒,所謂藥食宜也。  運氣合治  凡此陽明司天之政,氣化運行後天,天氣急,地氣明,陽專其令,炎暑大行,物燥以堅,淳風乃治,風燥橫運,流於氣交,多陽少陰,雲趨雨府,濕化乃敷。燥極而澤,其谷白丹,間谷命太者,其耗白甲品羽,金火合德,上應太白熒惑。其政切,其令暴,蟄蟲乃見,流水不冰,民病咳嗌塞,寒熱發,暴振凓癃閟,清先而勁,毛蟲乃死,熱後而暴,介蟲乃殃,其發躁,勝復之作,擾而大亂,清熱之氣,持於氣交。  故食歲谷以安其氣,食間谷以去其邪,歲宜以咸以苦以辛,汗之、清之、散之,安其運氣,無使受邪,折其郁氣,資其化源。以寒熱輕重少多其制,同熱者多天化,同清者多地化,用涼遠涼,用熱遠熱,用寒遠寒,用溫遠溫,食宜同法。有假者反之,此其道也。反是者,亂天地之經,擾陰陽之紀也。  歲運  三氣之紀  伏明之紀,是謂勝長,長氣不宣,髒氣反布,收氣自政,化令乃衡,寒清數舉,暑令乃薄,承化物生,生而不長,成實而稚,遇化已老,陽氣屈伏,蟄蟲早藏,其氣郁,其用暴,其動彰伏變易,其發痛,其髒心,其果栗桃,其實絡濡,其谷豆稻,其味苦咸,其色玄丹,其畜馬彘,其蟲羽鱗,其主冰雪霜寒,其聲徵羽,其病昏惑悲忘,從水化也,少徵與少羽同,上商與正商同,邪傷心也,凝慘凜冽則暴雨霖霪,眚於九,其主驟注雷霆震驚,沈霒淫雨。  勝  水勝,歲火不及,寒乃大行,長政不用,物榮而下。凝慘而甚,則陽氣不化,乃折榮美,上應辰星。民病胸中痛、脅支滿,兩脅痛,膺背肩胛間及兩臂內痛,郁冒蒙眛,心痛暴喑,胸復大,脅下與腰背相引而痛,甚則屈不能伸,髖髀如別,上應熒惑辰星,其谷丹。  復  土復,復則埃郁,大雨且至,黑氣乃辱,病鶩溏腹滿,食飲不下,寒中腸鳴,洩注腹痛,暴攣痿痹,足不任身,上應鎮星、辰星,玄谷不成。  郁  火郁,火郁之發,太虛腫翳,大明不彰,炎火行,大暑至,山澤燔燎,材木流津,廣廈騰煙,土浮霜鹵,止水乃減,蔓草焦黃,風行惑言,濕化乃後。故民病少氣,瘡瘍癰腫,脅腹胸背面首,四支䐜[chēn]憤,臚脹瘍痱,嘔逆瘈瘲,骨痛,節乃有動,注下溫瘧,腹中暴痛,血溢流注,精液乃少,目赤心熱,甚則瞀悶懊?,善暴死。刻終大溫,汗濡玄府,其乃發也。其氣四。動復則靜,陽極反陰,濕令乃化乃成,華發水凝,山川冰雪,焰陽午澤,怫之先兆也。  司天  淫勝  陽明司天,燥淫所勝,則木乃晚榮,草乃晚生,筋骨內變。民病左胠脅痛,寒清於中,感而瘧,大涼革候,咳,腹中鳴,注瀉鶩溏,名木斂,生菀於下,草焦上首,心脅暴痛,不可反側,嗌乾麵塵腰痛,丈夫疝,婦人少腹痛,目眜眥,瘍瘡痤癰蟄蟲來見,病本於肝。太衝絕,死不治。  淫勝治則  燥淫所勝,平以苦溫,佐以酸辛,以苦下之。 在泉  淫勝  歲少陰在泉,熱淫所勝,則焰浮川澤,陰處反明。民病腹中常嗚,氣上衝胸、喘、不能久立,寒熱皮膚痛、目瞑齒痛、(出頁)腫、惡寒發熱如瘧,少腹中痛、腹大、蟄蟲不藏。  淫勝治則  熱淫於內,治以咸寒,佐以甘苦,以酸收之,以苦發之。