Category: Travel

Hitchhiking Through Pakistan 0

Hitchhiking Through Pakistan

From Iran Through Pakistan to IndiaHitchhiking Through Pakistan Flying carpets on wheels. A tête-à-tête with dons. Despair and elation. Morten Hübbe and Rochssare Neromand-Soma on their hitchhiking adventure through Pakistan. Thick beads of sweat are rolling down my forehead, getting caught in my brows and finding their way down my temples. When we cross the border between Iran and Pakistan, we are already scarred by our journey. A heavy storm is raging around us. Tiny grains of sand whip against our bodies. All our attempts to shield ourselves against them...

Local leaders: Start with intuition about your community then add data 0

Welcome to Under The Dome Through Time and Space with Johannes KlausUnder the Dome My childhood dream came true. We’re travelling to the South Pacific. ‚We’re nearly at the South Pacific!‘ Excited, Janet points towards the small patch of high ground. I gaze around me in amazement. To our right is a peacock. He’s not fanning out his tail, not looking at us, not making a sound. To the left a woman is lying on a plastic sun lounger. She’s very broad, with a colourful tattoo on her shoulder. A boy is sitting next...