What is “Yang Deficiency and Internal Cold (陽虛內寒)”?

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the concept of “Yang Deficiency and Internal Cold” is a diagnosis. In TCM, the body’s constitution is divided into two types: Yang and Yin. Yang represents the body’s vitality and heat, while Yin represents the body’s decline and coldness. “Yang Deficiency and Internal Cold” refers to a situation where Yang is insufficient and there is cold inside the body. This condition can often lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and illness. In TCM treatment, “Yang Deficiency and Internal Cold” is usually treated by adjusting...


TCM Promotes Preventative Care

Chinese medicine is an ancient system of medicine that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. It includes herbal remedies, acupuncture, acupressure, and other forms of traditional Chinese medical treatments. These treatments have been proven to have positive effects on the body, such as strengthening the immune system, relieving pain, and reducing stress and anxiety. Chinese medicine also promotes preventative care and lifestyle modifications such as healthy eating, exercise, and stress reduction to help people stay healthy and avoid disease. Before beginning any treatments, it is...


Scientific Evidence

Welcome to ytmec TCM World! There is a wealth of scientific evidence to back up the use of Chinese medicine for maintaining health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that acupuncture can reduce chronic pain and improve quality of life, while herbal remedies have been found to be effective in treating a range of conditions such as asthma, allergies, and digestive disorders. Acupressure has been found to reduce stress and improve sleep quality, while lifestyle modifications such as healthy eating and regular exercise can improve overall health and prevent disease. Before...