Test your business idea with small steps: starting a quilt retreat

Uniontown, Washington, (population 300) has a strong base of arts, artisan and craft entrepreneurship. When I toured Uniontown, a woman spoke up who wants to start a quilt retreat, a place for people to come and quilt together. More than a local quilting bee, she’s imagining a full retreat space. She owns a historic home […]Want to host a quilting retreat? Take small steps to get it started. USDA photo by Bob Nichols Uniontown, Washington, (population 300) has a strong base of arts, artisan and craft entrepreneurship. When I toured Uniontown, a woman spoke up who wants to start a quilt retreat, a place for people to come and quilt together. More than a local quilting bee, she’s imagining a full retreat space. She owns a historic home that was the site of an old convent in the 1890s. There’s an outbuilding that would be a great retreat location. Uniontown, Washington, is home to the Artists at the Dahmen Barn, a shared arts and crafts gallery and studio space. The whole town has a strong cultural scene. Photo by Becky McCray. The old way: Build it and expect them to come The old way to get started would be to do all the costly renovations first. Then she can organize the first event all herself, and then market it to attract people. If no one or only a few people are ready to sign up, the failure is all on her. She didn’t market it well enough, she didn’t design

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